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A Comprehensive System For All Coaches — Pratima’s Coaching Story

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New mindshift
Mindshift Zone Team, GB
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Most beneficial feature?

‘I really appreciate the scheduling system and the fact that everything’s taken care of on the dashboard. I can adjust my days off. I don’t need to contact anyone to do that. I can adjust when I need to change the timing for example. And also I really appreciate that the payments are taken via Upskill Coach as well. That I don’t need to chase people or invoice people. It can get a bit awkward. So I just really appreciate that from start to finish, that that availability is there’.

‘And also, it’s been really nice to have the agenda emailed to me before I’m about to go into a session. So the day before I’ll have an email come through from the team about this is your agenda for the day and this is what’s coming up. The other thing that I’ve really appreciated is the follow-up email that I’ve received after a session from Upskill Coach. So it’s been very encouraging. There have been words of “I hope you enjoyed the session.”, “I hope it went really well for you.” and it’s very motivational. So that’s been really wonderful for me’.

Benefits from Upskill Coach?

‘Me being able to do my coaching rather than working on the admin side of things because Upskill Coach has taken care of that. When somebody makes a booking, it sends the email out to the client, about the booking. It sends them when the appointment is. And I don’t need to chase clients. I don’t need to reconfirm. Of course, if I want to, I can if I personally want to do that. But the fact that there’s a reminder sent out to the client, there’s a reminder sent out to me. Everything just seems to be so organised and it’s a very simple system. And with so much else going on in my life, I really appreciate a simple system and where I don’t have to go out of my way in contacting and then checking to see have they got back to me and just everything is taken care of in that sense’.

Worried about coaching online?

‘The only thing was really if I will be able to get a regular flow of clients or would this be something more ad hoc? Because I really enjoy coaching, I love my job, and I also want it to be sustainable from a rewarding point of view and also financially. So the only thing really was if this can be something sustainable, where a regular set of clients is coming through on a weekly basis? And can I do the amazing work that I’m so passionate about as well?’.

Would you recommend Upskill Coach to other coaches?

‘Oh, absolutely. I think it provides a full suite of a comprehensive system for all coaches.  Bringing in the clients first of all, which is really amazing. I think any coach would agree it can get quite daunting, especially if you’re new to coaching, to bring in clients on board, vetting them, going through the very initial processes and Upskill Coach has already done that for you. So it just, it really, in that way it’s a lifesaver. And then on top of that to have the payment system taken care of, the scheduling taken care of, the reminder emails also to be taken care of. And then any follow-up emails that they send to the clients as well. I mean it provides everything that a coach needs so that they can get on with what they’re good at doing’.

What did you like the most?

‘I think just how smooth the delivery was. Being provided with the Zoom link for the session so I didn’t have to look around as well like “Oh, where is my booking?”, “Where is the link for me to contact the client?”. All of that was just so easy to find. It was smooth. I didn’t need to research anything. I think that’s the key. I really felt taken care of. Everything was explained, detailed emails were sent to me beforehand, explaining everything and then actually getting on the call and the clients seem to know what was going on. So I feel like Upskill Coach had told them about the process so they knew what was going on. They were very, in fact, they were all early and it was really nice to see that it was very, very satisfying to have a session where the client is also giving me good feedback at the end and then for the team to contact me straight away and say “Hey, well done, you completed your session.” And just those little words of encouragement and motivation, everything about that. It’s like a little story unfolding actually from start to finish where it’s been smooth, everything’s taken care of. I don’t need to rush around or research anything and I feel like I’m in safe hands and I’m taken care of. That’s how I feel about working with Upskill Coach’.

How was the support?

I’ve received really prompt communication from Upskill Coach. Actually the team has been really good. Within 24 hours, sometimes within a half a day, I received a response and it’s always been, it’s been very helpful. The sense that I get from Upskill Coach is that they’re very keen to grow and learn and they’re constantly also asking for ways to improve. And to me, that just shows that the company is one that is progressive and wants to expand. It wants to develop and that makes me feel actually really safe. And again, I feel confident working with the team in that way because they care. I get a sense that Upskill Coach genuinely cares about their coaches.

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