The Complete Guide to Life Coaching

The Complete Guide to Life Coaching

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If you’re on a self-development journey, there are so many important things to consider that it’s difficult to keep track of it all. One of the most important, if overlooked, things to think about is the impact that life coaching can bring. Life coaching is like a third-party sounding board to help inspire and advise you about all kinds of important decisions in your life.

That’s why we created this complete guide to answer all your questions. If you’ve ever wondered about the expectations, costs or benefits of hiring a life coach, then look no further.

What to expect from life coaching?

What exactly is life coaching? It’s a pretty broad category in the coaching industry, but generally, it’s a trained professional that you’ll work with to establish goals and create a plan (and then exceed it)! Compared to other types of coaches, life coaching tends to fall within the expertise of personal goals and self-development.

Life coaching can help you find motivation, build relationships, improve your mental health or add life skills to your portfolio.

If you’re unsure about how the life coaching process works, don’t worry – we have lots of resources to help you decide if it’s right for you.

If you think you’re ready to work with a life coach, here’s a quick four things you should know first.

  1. Life coaching is different from counselling. Unlike a therapist, life coaches don’t work within the healthcare industry but are instead a guide to help you work within your own professional industry, achieve your financial goals or simply improve your personal decisions.
  2. There are lots of different coaching strategies out there that life coaches use, so you have to find a life coach that has a matching personality and mindset as yours to make sure they’re a good fit.
  3. You should try to find a life coach that has qualifications in the areas of study that you’re interested in. Whether you want help creating a business plan or motivating yourself to enrol in tennis lessons, there’s a life coach that has experience and qualifications to help achieve your goals.
  4. Life coaching can be a long-term process but it’s also very rewarding. If you’re looking for quick and easy answers to your problems, look elsewhere. You’re ready to work with a life coach when you can commit the necessary time and resources to improve yourself, your mental health and your professional life. 

Managing work well

One of the most popular areas of study that coaches work with clients is on improving their professional lives.

In the worst-case scenario, if you hate your job and are looking for a change, then life coaches can help with that. Or, if you just want to make some small adjustments to how you manage your work schedule to get the most from your job, that’s a possibility, too.

Life coaches can help you find a proper work-life balance to help manage your stress and workload. A big part of that is the logistics of your work arrangement. Many businesses are switching to remote workplaces, meaning their employees can work from their homes (or anywhere). If you’ve ever wondered if working remotely can benefit you, then a life coach can help you weigh the options.

Life coaches can also help you to set goals for yourself and create an action plan to succeed in almost any scenario. Sometimes a plan is all that’s needed to make a huge difference in your life, although knowing how to create a good one is another story. That’s where life coaching can help.

It all comes back to what kind of experience you’re looking for with a life coach. Their qualifications and expertise vary greatly, so choose someone that seems to fit your style and what you’re looking for. Some coaches can even recommend helpful meditation routines to help you relax, focus and improve your life at home and at work.

How to look after your professional development?

In the workplace, your professional development should be a priority. You need to have a good plan to develop as an employee, colleague and leader. Life coaching can help you exceed even your own expectations with these action items.

A coach can help you be happier in the workplace by finding your value and meaning in the work that you do. He or she can even help you find the motivation to improve yourself and learn new skills in your coaching sessions.
That self-development action plan can include everything from attending seminars, professional workshops or picking the right education programs that are best for you.

Why relationships are important?

One of the most innovative niches in the life coaching world is relationship coaching to improve your personal life and your professional life.

You might be thinking that it sounds a bit like getting dating advice. That’s not exactly true, although there might be some surprising similarities. Some life coaches can, in fact, help you improve your personal life and your personal relationships at home with your family and loved ones. 

Others will teach you skills and techniques in your coaching sessions to grow your business network and foster productive relationships with colleagues, clients and employers. Your professional network is an important part of your growth since it can help you find new mentors, get valuable advice and make connections that have untold potential.

How life coaching can help your personal development?

It’s in the broad category of personal development that life coaches will really help to make an impact on your life.

There’s a few niches of life coaching that you should be aware of in case they interest you:

  1. The first, personal development coaching, is a supportive way to transform your life and your mental health. Whether you’re recovering from a tragedy or looking ahead in preparation for a major moment in your life, a personal development coach will be with you every step of the way.
  2. Second, a confidence coach is someone to help you overcome shyness and self-esteem limitations that hold you back. These are especially important roadblocks to remove if you want to have successful job interviews or build relationships with new people.

Both of these types of coaches can contribute to your self-development by providing meaningful and constructive advice for your personal goals. Life coaching can help you understand the benefits of:

Life coaches use their own life and career experience as well as some helpful tools to help manage your personal growth and improve your mental health. One such tool is a motivational psychology model – Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. It’ll help you understand your motivations and what encourages you to engage in life-fulfilling activities. 

Another tool is the Johari Window model, which is a communication theory that helps improve your self-awareness and build trust in others.

How to deal with change?

Another common thing that life coaches help clients with is how to deal with big changes in their lives. There are a couple common scenarios that pop up, and they all have their own unique challenges and opportunities to contend with.

The first scenario is when you need to react to change. Disruptions happen all the time, like job loss, financial troubles, or family problems. Other changes happen like when your preferred boss leaves to a new role and you’re left with a new disruptive personality in their place. No matter the change, a life coach can offer helpful advice to help you deal with it in a constructive way.

Another common situation happens when clients project a new life for themselves and actively seek out change. You may know the feeling if you’ve ever browsed the job board or thought about moving your family to a new neighbourhood. If you feel like you need a change in your life, but don’t know where to start, a life coach can help you with your upcoming transition.

How much does life coaching cost?

Even with all the amazing benefits that a life coach can bring their clients, the process still might not be for everyone. One of the biggest determinants is actually one of the most simple ones – the cost.

Before you make your decision and embark on your coaching journey, you should know how much a life coach costs. They can range anywhere from a few hundred euros but can also cost into the thousands depending on the situation and length of time that you work with them.

Lots of life coaches charge hourly rates to start with new clients. If you’re looking for some simple advice, then you might get really good value with some introductory sessions. 

On the other hand, some of the best benefits can come from long-term arrangements with coaches who can help you continually raise the bar and improve your life. 

You should always think of a life coach as an investment. An investment in yourself is one of the most rewarding kinds – you’ll learn new skills, improve your outlook and become a well-rounded individual who is ready to take on any challenge that awaits.

For millions of people out there who participate in the coaching industry –  the decision is easy. A life coach is a worthy investment. 

Find a life coach

What do you think? Are you ready to discover the personalized benefits you can get from working with a coach? Book your free 15-minute discovery call today to find a life coach that’s perfect for you.

Or, if you’re still making your decision – that’s okay. We understand that it’s a big commitment. But we still want to help.

Head over to the Upskill Coach blog for lots of constructive advice and answers to your personal and work-related questions.

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