Looking for Clarity?

Looking for Clarity?

New mindshift
New mindshift
Mindshift Zone Team, GB
  • Business
  • Communication
  • Work-Life Balance
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People are always asking, but It’s actually quite difficult to explain exactly what it is I do! I am a qualified coach & counsellor, however, this doesn’t really give a clear/true picture of the services I provide. I work with individuals who have sincerely had enough of the life they are living and are ready to invest in their future. I start at the beginning. I help them prepare for change.

I get them to the stage where they are truly ready…… then I guide them to become the best version of themselves and move in to the best possible future they can create for themselves. I help people who are: ……fed up with their career ……feel lost within their own families ……feel out of touch with the businesses they created ……feel out of control in one, or all areas of their own life  

Over the years I have helped countless clients get back from the brink of self-destruction. I watch while friends I have coached & guided from the “idea stage” grow into the successful businesses they have created and now reap the rewards of. I see families who were all but falling apart enjoying the happiness they never thought they could have or were entitled to. Even during what some might say are “challenging times” I have watched three of my clients create successful businesses for themselves! If you want to find out more about how I can help you “Transform” your next chapter, drop me a message!

This blog is written by life coach Leon Tunney. He offers a free discovery call where he gives you his strategies (not included in this article) that will embed the learning from the secrets given above.

Book a free 15-minute discovery call with Leon today.

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