I’m an Accredited Executive Coach with 10+ years’ experience of coaching business leaders to shift mindsets, unlock potential, enhance leadership capability and impact. Whether you’re are looking to enhance your leadership impact, position yourself for future roles, explore new career possibilities or have support through a transition, I’ll accompany you on a journey of self-discovery as you learn more about yourself and how they can use your natural strengths to reach your personal and professional goals. I’m experienced in and enjoy working with leaders from many different countries and cultures.
* Keen to learn more about yourself as a leader and how you can be at your best?
* Want to bring more of yourself to your work, but find yourself holding back?
* Do old habits and behaviour patterns keep getting in the way of your success or enjoyment?
* Want to have more clarity about what you want from your career and/or more confidence and courage to pursue your career aspirations?
If these questions resonate with you, then I can help!
I’m passionate about working with individuals and teams who are committed to their own self-development and growth so that they can be at their best. I help leaders learn how to use their natural strengths and authentic leadership style to be successful both professionally and personally. I can accompany you as you work through life themes and behavioural patterns that might hold you back, holding both a compassionate stance whilst also challenging you to go beyond your usual ways of thinking and behaving.
Through my own experience of being a leader and working with many others, I’ve learnt that leadership is a continuous journey of self-discovery and development. From early in my career in a large corporate organisation I enjoyed mentoring and coaching people to support their development. Through leading global teams and transformation projects, I developed an interest in the diverse cultural experience of working with and getting to know people from different countries and backgrounds. Having trodden this leadership path myself, I appreciate the challenges leaders face when working in complex, fast-paced organisations where change is a constant and personal resilience is essential.
I’m an EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council) Accreditated Executive Coach at Senior Practitioner level, as well as an APECS (Association for Professional Executive Coaching & Supervision) Accreditated Executive Coach. I have a certificate in Systemic Team Coaching and an MSc in Organisational Development. I’ve trained in Gestalt Psychotherapy and, whilst I no longer practice as a psychotherapist, I’m comfortable working at psychological depth with clients on behavioural or belief patterns that might hold them back.
I belief that when we take time to really know ourselves well, our potential is endless – we can be truly magnificent human beings!