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Find A Business Coach Near Me – Weighing Your Options

What value can a business coach bring to your business? Find the right business coach for your business by taking your search online. You’ll find a wide variety...

How Does Executive Coaching Really Work?

Executive coaching used to get a bad rap, and, in some places, it still does. Why? Many companies use executive coaching...

Why we need radically human leaders ?

The world is changing radically. The incessant and accelerating change in technology has required businesses to become...

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How To Find (And Keep) Top Talent In Your Company

Managing a business isn’t easy. You experience challenges every day – you have to manage inventories, customer inquiries, sales and more.  To accomplish those tasks, you rely on top talent...

Why Self-Talk Is Holding You Back

Are you having negative thoughts about your work or career? You may not know it, but when you dwell on negative memories or a bad outlook on your future, you engage in self-talk. If you’ve ever...

The Stages of Virtual Onboarding: Dos and Don’ts of Hiring Remote Employees

How can we make virtual onboarding run as smoothly and naturally as possible? This past year, Covid-19 has sent most of the world into remote work. We are lucky to have the technology that allows us...

Understanding the Different Types of Life Coaches

In today’s dynamic world, many people seek guidance and direction from a life coach. What does a life coach do? Essentially, they are professionals assisting individuals in achieving their...

Career Change: Overcome the Top 3 Challenges

Susan Kilty changed her career from working within the field of education to a career focused on digital marketing.  She is sharing with us what she finds to be the top three challenges of a...

What’s Next? Is Remote Work The New Normal?

If you are part of a company that was forced to send home workers due to COVID-19, you might be thinking ‘what’s next?’  Many companies are rushing to get back to the workplace, but with policies...

Changing Jobs And The Changing Face of Work

When it comes to both work and life trajectories – there is one thing that is inevitable for everyone: Change. Changing jobs, or even career or changes to your personal situation. In fact, there are...

3 Themes Of Happiness To Improve Your Outlook on Career and Life

Throughout the centuries, some wise people have considered happiness in many unique ways. If you do a simple online search for “quotes on happiness”, you’ll see just how much content there is on the...

Theories of Motivation: From the Concept to Your Company

There are many theories of motivation that can be used to explain why some individuals are driven to succeed. Motivating employees can be challenging; sometimes it is one of the most difficult aspects...

The Benefits of Coaching Women Leaders

What is leadership? What is leadership? Leadership doesn’t automatically happen through promotions or a hierarchy, and it is not necessarily synonymous with management, either.  Leadership...

Looking for Clarity?

People are always asking, but It’s actually quite difficult to explain exactly what it is I do! I am a qualified coach & counsellor, however, this doesn’t really give a clear/true picture of the...

The 9 Most Important Financial Key Performance Indicators For Your Business

You don’t have to be a chartered accountant to understand the benefits that key financial indicators can bring to your business. As a business owner, you should at least have a cursory knowledge of...

Intrinsic And Extrinsic Motivation

What gets you out of bed in the morning? What is intrinsic and extrinsic motivation? For some people, it’s the thought of a hot cup of coffee. Maybe it’s the pressure of making it to work before...

What is Performance Coaching? A Simple Guide.

Did you know that there’s no universally agreed-upon definition of what is performance coaching? And yet, there are some fundamental truths about performance coaching that are common to each...

How To Use Performance Profiling To Boost On-The-Job Performance?

What is performance profiling? World-class athletes train for hours every day and often for years at a time as they prepare for international competitions such as the Olympics. That level of...

How To Delegate Efficiently

How to delegate efficiently? Have you ever worked for a manager who wouldn’t trust you with basic tasks? It can be frustrating! Relying on others in the workplace is part of building a motivational...

Why Do I Need A Personal Development Plan?

You might be asking yourself; ‘Why do I need a personal development plan?’. Have you ever wonder what it’d be like to learn a new language? Or to travel the world? If a goal is important to you, there...

How To Find Staff That’s Right For Your Business In 4 Easy Steps

These days, for small or medium-sized business, to find staff is easier than ever. With massive online job portals, recruitment agencies and an abundance of available hiring guidance to choose from...